
Flower facts, Spring

Flowers In Focus - Mimosa

Acacia Mirandole

Photo 13-01-2020, 10 05 24.jpg

The highlight of a January morning is when we get our delivery of Mimosa. The vibrant yellow coloured balls and intoxicating floral scent helps this become a firm favourite with us and our customers. It’s only available for a short time which helps to make it even more special.

We use Mimosa in arrangements and bouquets but it’s equally as lovely when bought as a bunch for a vase.

Originally it was only found in the warm climates of Africa and Asia but it wasn’t long before Botanists and scientists took specimens and around 1820, managed to cultivate them in other parts of the world. Acacia trees started to pop up in France, Australia and Italy. It has been so well received in France that it a focal flower used in celebrations and parades in Spring.

The meaning of ‘Mimosa’ is tied to “sensibility” and is often connected to philosophers or problem solvers.  It also means to literally “expand” your life whether referring to family, career or travel planning.  In other cultures, mimosa is tied to “sensitivity” and is given in small bouquets as a gesture of mourning or sympathy.  In the United States, the pretty yellow spheres have become symbolic as the official flower to “Women’s Day”.